Thursday, April 24, 2014

Week 3 Discussion Question

Howie's family finally receive a letter from their 'Pop.' They are excited until they realize it is a "Swiss-cheese letter." What does 'swiss-cheese letter' mean? After talking to his Mom, how did Howie know that something in his Pop's letter had troubled his Mom? Why is Howie worried about his Pop's safety as he tries to return home? (A clue to help you answer these questions can be found on the headlines right before Chapter 20). Make sure to answer ALL of the questions and use examples from the text to support your answer. You should also make sure to clearly explain your thinking.

Make sure to answer the question with a RAD response and use details from the text to support your answer. Please check your grammar, spelling, capitalization, and conventions before submitting your reponse.


  1. A swiss-cheese letter is a letter that has been modified to exclude any important information like location or time you are leaving. It helps protect you from spies and other people by keeping your info secret that. Also I think what most likely troubled Howies mom is that she didn't know when her husband would be back that letter could say hes never coming back or in a few years maybe or, she is scared about what Howie said “Then how come he isn't waiting for a convoy? Isn't that safer?" That scared her because it is true.


    1. I completely agree Joel a swiss-cheese letter is exactly that but they do that so if they were on a boat it could be ambushed by U-boats and sink. I also agree with you about how Howie knew his Mom was worried for his father.

    2. Joel, I agree with everything you said about the letter, and I never thought about what you said about his father maybe never coming back ,but I think that you could be right.

    3. Joel I think you did great on your Blogpost I agree with everything you said I think you did great.

  2. The letter was a swiss cheese letter because the Germans could get the letter and figure out where he lives what he’s doing and where he’s going they do this for safety reasons. Those safety reasons are there because the Germans could bomb where he lives and his family could die and he doesn’t want that. Howie knew that his Mom was troubled because he was troubled and he saw the look on his Mom’s face and saw that she was scared for his dad. He saw that because he told his Mom being in the middle of the sea wasn’t safe with U-boats prowling the ocean looking for boats. He was scared for his Pop because he knew it wasn’t safe traveling across the ocean alone

    1. Ethan I like your answer it was very similar to mine but next time can you give a little more detail like when explained your swiss cheese letter
      good job.

    2. Ethan you did wonderful


  3. A swiss cheese letter is when you send a letter that has a bunch of important secret stuff in the mail but its all blocked out like someone used white out.
    He knew something was wrong because his mom did not want to talk about it and said she would talk about it later. When Howie realizes this he is very scared for his dad because he doesn’t want his dad to be killed or injured.

    1. I like how you said that the swiss-cheese letter had a bunch of important secret stuff in it. I never thought to say that in my blog! Anyway, good job Brady!

    2. Rory I like your reply it was really good

    3. Brady I think you did excellent blog it was wonderful

  4. A “Swiss Cheese Letter” is sort of a modified letter so that then if it falls into the wrong hands they won’t be able to find them or attack them. Howie could tell that the letter troubled his mom because the Nazi’s have sent lot’s of U-boats to be ready to attack, and she is probably worried that he should be attacked or captured. Howie is probably worried that he didn’t go on the convoy which would be a lot safer. That is how I think Howie feels.

    1. James I think you should add a little bit more detail but other than that I think you did a really good job explaining what a Swiss-Cheese letter is

  5. I think swiss-cheese letter means that you cut out circles from the letter and some of the scary stuff in the letter. Howie knows that something in his Pop’s letter had troubled his Mom because maybe his Mom wanted her husband back so then they could have family time and she just wants him to come back sooner then he’s coming home. Howie is worried about his Pop’s safety as he returns home because maybe he got hurt or he needs to finish up the war with the other soldiers or maybe he would get on a dangerous boat when he tries to come back home. And maybe Howie is also worried because he might be in the hospital from when somebody probably shot him in the war. I don’t know, maybe Howie will figure it out for those questions.

    1. Rory i totally agree with you i like how you added extra

    2. Rory I really like how you explained all of the the details you put in I think you did really good job Rory

  6. The Letter was a Swiss-Cheese so that way nobody opens it up and finds Howard`s Info.I think what scared Howard`s mother most was in the Letter because Howard`s father could die on his boat.I think Howard was scared for his Dad because he knew traveling across the ocean alone Cause a German could be waiting for Howard`s Dad
